Don't Step on my... Sand Dunes?

It's one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and go cat go, but don't you step on my Sand Dunes.  (You didn't see that one coming, did you?)

I borrowed the lyrics from Elvis "The King" Presley to make an important point.  Seriously Folks, locals and visitors alike.  Mother Nature and sometimes mankind place the sand dunes there as our first line of defense.  They are probably the most important protection from the "H" word, (hurricane.)  They protect us so in turn we need to protect them.  It's more than just a pile of sand.  The root system running through them helps to anchor that barrier from the wind and waves.

You can burn my house, steal my car, drink my liquor from an old fruit jar, you can do anything you want to do but, uh-uh honey lay off of my dunes.  Take it from one who survived Hurricanes Hazel in 1954 and Bertha and Fran in 1996…………

Thanks for helping to protect our dunes and thereby our island.  And thanks to Elvis for lending me a few of your lyrics.

Cathy Medlin

Cathy Medlin is a lifelong resident of the area and of the Greater Topsail Area Association of Realtors.

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