Kittens and Biscuits
Kittens and Biscuits
Just because a cat climbs into the oven and has kittens, you don’t call them biscuits do you?
When people of a Northern persuasion move down south that okay. We really do believe in diversity. However it will take more than 2 weeks to begin to understand the lingo. Between the drawn out vowels, the dropping of the g’s and the idioms it can be confusing. As an example, the 3 letter word Mom has 3 or 4 syllables depending upon how badly Mothers have embarrassed their children. I embarrass my children continually by remind them that MOM upside down is WOW!
The app "Google Translate” does not have "Speak Southern” as a language choice. (I looked it up) Without that translation app, it will take you a month or two to understand what natives are saying. As a Realtor, selling beachside properties for over 40 years, I’ll be glad to sell you your own cottage and then you can stay long enough to understand what "bless your heart” really means. I’ve been selling beach property for so long I’m probably the first real estate agent to make a mountain out of a mole-hill or sand dune as the case may be.
Don’t get me wrong, those of us who do speak Southern respect and admire our Northern friends for trying at all. (Bless your hearts) I honestly have difficulty trying to speak Northern, particularly with a Boston accent, or does that really count as Northern? I never did understand that parking your car in the garage part. Hint, Hint (park, car, garage,) Even more difficult than Boston is the ever trying, truly difficult New York-ese. I tend to confuse it with New Jersey-ese.
Are you’se guys and yall referring to the same bunch of folks? (I’m confused myself. Does yall have an accent in it or not?) Spell check is absolutely no help with this one. Sounds like kitten-biscuits in the oven to me.
One of my grandchildren came home from school just the other day and told me there was no such word as yall. WHAT? Probably the teacher, from somewhere up north, prefers the tried and true you’se guys…
Cathy Medlin
Cathy Medlin is the owner/broker of Island Real Estate, located at 405 Roland Ave., Surf City, NC. She speaks Southern without a funny accent. Selling and renting beach property without the need of a translator has been her lifelong pursuit